Witch I Will Never Do Again

Photo Courtesy: William A. Crafts/Wikimedia Eatables

The Salem Witch Trials are one of the most well-known examples of mass hysteria to occur in the U.S. throughout history. When thinking about the infamous trials, many people imagine strange women dressed in black gothic clothing being burned at the stake. Some may even envision the pointed hats, crooked noses and green skin associated with Halloween witches.

Most would exist surprised to learn that many so-called facts related to the trials are non true at all. They say truth is stranger than fiction, and these mysterious truths backside the Salem Witch Trials are all the proof you need to make that bespeak.

How It Began

Witch trials weren't unique to Salem or even New England all those centuries ago. Europe dealt with multiple waves of witch hysteria throughout history, although much of it had died down by the 17th century. On the other side of the Atlantic, in the colonies, a new moving ridge started around that same time, born out of isolation and misunderstanding.

Photo Courtesy: George Henry Boughton/Wikimedia Commons

Many of the issues in the early on New England colonies stemmed from society's devout religious foundation, and the witch trials were no exception. Fear and intolerance led to finger-pointing and accusations of witchcraft. It was a society deeply-entrenched in religion, and anything that deviated from the sacred texts was seen every bit a threat.

The Dangers of Zealotry

Although some authors of the time argued in favor of acknowledging all elements of the supernatural world, many members of the Puritan community chose which elements suited their system of behavior and ostracized anything else. This often meant that angels and demons were accepted as canon, while ghosts, spirits and magic were considered heretical fantasies.

Photograph Courtesy: Brooklyn Museum/Wikimedia Commons

Anyone suspected of dealing with any of these forbidden elements of the supernatural was considered highly questionable. As the paranoia grew, whatsoever association with magic or the unholy was grounds for condemnation at the very least and execution at the worst. Naturally, outsiders were always among the beginning questioned. In Salem, that outsider was a woman named Tituba.

Far from Home

Tituba was a woman from South America who had been brought from the Caribbean to the colonies every bit a slave. Her foreign heritage made her the bailiwick of some criticism, so when the fear began to spread nearly people straying from the Skilful Book, she was a primary target.

Photograph Courtesy: John W. Ehninger/Wikimedia Commons

Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams were the first accusers at the Salem Witch Trials. They claimed that Tituba had told them tales of voodoo and occult techniques she had learned back home in Barbados. Elements of Tituba'south "confession" were later determined to be untrue, but in one case the words were uttered, the hysteria began to spread.

Monsters and Demons

During Tituba's confession, she spoke of various supposed indicators of witchcraft, including black dogs, hogs, yellow birds, cats, red and black rats, foxes and wolves. All these elements related to different beliefs virtually witchcraft and did more to misfile those in attendance than anything else.

Photo Courtesy: Alfred Fredericks/Wikimedia Eatables

Tituba'south appeal also included mention of a "witch cake," which she supposedly made and fed to Elizabeth Parris to assistance detect the source of a curse that was causing her to have delirious fits. Information technology was subsequently determined that this part of her confession was concocted by Parris' male parent, who had beaten Tituba until she agreed to confess. Throughout her testimony, Tituba maintained she was not a witch.

Pointing Fingers

If Tituba was to be damned, she manifestly decided she wasn't going alone. Her testimony also condemned Sarah Skilful and Sarah Osborne. She claimed that Osborne harbored a beast with the head of a woman, ii legs and wings. Combined with her previous claims of demonic omens, witnesses assumed this meant the devil was walking among them.

Photo Courtesy: Tim1965/Wikimedia Eatables

These new revelations fed the hysteria. Osborne, Good and Tituba were all sent to jail to await trial for witchcraft and association with the occult. The contents of the first testimony in the Salem Witch Trials set the stage for many of the witch stereotypes that exist today, including riding brooms, communing with blackness cats and working with demons.

The "Victims"

Although many people were responsible for accusing others of being witches, a group of immature girls — ranging from 12 to 20 years quondam — led the charge. Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams made the initial allegations. The others included girls from reputable families, such as Mary Walcott, Elizabeth Hubbard, Ann Putnam Jr., Mary Warren and Mercy Lewis.

Photo Courtesy: John West. Ehninger/Wikimedia Commons

Parris, Williams and Hubbard were among the get-go reported cases of "possession" during the early days of the hysteria. Parris and Williams visited a local physician and complained most strange fits involving screaming, throwing objects and body contortions. Hubbard presently claimed to experience similar symptoms and was the first to personally testify.

Sketchy Accounts

Due to poor recordkeeping, pervasive myths and the passage of time, much of the definitive evidence for the early days of the Salem Witch Trials has been lost. The previous accounts are the near reliable ones presently known. What followed, however, is slightly meliorate documented.

Photo Courtesy: chensiyuan/Wikimedia Eatables

Many firsthand and secondhand accounts of the trials themselves too as the heat of the mass hysteria that swept New England's Puritan population have survived to the present solar day. Some accounts ended up twisted with local folklore and sensationalism, leading to much of the pop culture noesis of the Witch Trials that exists today.

Ideal Convenance Grounds

In addition to forming incredibly isolated communities of religious zealots, the Puritan colonists of Salem and the surrounding areas had a lengthy history of internal quarrels. Reports from the fourth dimension outline multiple cases of neighbors bickering over property rights, grazing areas and church privileges. It's no wonder the townspeople were more than than happy to leap at the idea of something witchy going on with their neighbors.

Photo Courtesy: F. O. C. Darley/Wikimedia Eatables

Furthermore, their disputes over what represented the purest form of Christianity led to enough of arguments without the added spice of witchcraft thrown into the pot. Religious leaders were dethroned for the slightest criminal offence, but it was all off-white in the name of preserving the sanctity of their religion.

So, Who Died?

From books to movies and other sources in between, y'all tin can discover examples of witches who were bedevilled of practicing magic and burned at the stake. Surely, this horrifying detail must be truthful, right? Nope. Although the practice was used in European witch trials, no convicted "witches" were burned in Salem.

Photo Courtesy: Edmund Ollier/Wikimedia Commons

Those convicted of witchcraft in New England were often sentenced to decease by hanging. Some met a dark and lonely end in jail while waiting on their execution. Ane unlucky victim was tortured to death. Although Monty Python movies and The Hunchback of Notre Matriarch featured burning witches at the stake, the practice did non take hold beyond the Atlantic.

En Masse

Another common misconception about the Salem Witch Trials is that they were a massacre. Understandably, any number of deaths for something so ridiculous is a tragedy, but the witch trials did not actually atomic number 82 to a mass slaughter. The number of accusations, however, was substantial, given the town's population at the fourth dimension.

Photograph Courtesy: Library of Congress/Wikimedia Eatables

From 1692 to 1693, 24 people died, 19 by hanging at Proctor's Ledge, four in jail and ane — Giles Corey — by being pressed to death later on refusing to plead. More than than 200 people were accused of witchcraft, and 140 to 150 were arrested and charged. To put this in perspective, the population of Salem in 1692 was just around i,400 individuals.

Men and Women Alike

For some reason, many people recollect all the accused witches were women, only that couldn't be further from the truth. Some historians believe the idea of female-only witches comes from shamans and healers, who were traditionally women in many cultures. Whatever the reason for the misconception, only 78% of convicted individuals throughout history were women.

Photo Courtesy: Thomas Satterwhite Noble/Luce Center of NY Historical Order Museum and Library/Wikimedia Commons

In Salem, both men and women were accused. The group of teenagers that did most of the accusing during the witch trials didn't discriminate against men or women. They simply pointed and defendant anyone who seemed suspicious or had ever mentioned witchcraft.

Heavier Than a Duck?

Only every bit the grounds for accusation were typically very shaky, the logic behind convictions wasn't based on reason. People were sentenced to jail or death based on "evidence" that would get officials hauled off to mental institutions themselves in a modern courtroom of law. Nonetheless, the methods were considered rational back and then.

Photo Courtesy: Pearson Scott Foresman/Wikimedia Commons

One supposed method of determining a witch'southward guilt was dunking. Made famous by Monty Python, the sink or float test wasn't used in the colonies as far every bit historians know. The thought backside it was that the innocent would sink and witches would float, having cast aside the rites of baptism.

Seeing Ghosts

I of the near common methods of convicting a witch was through spectral evidence. If that sounds sketchy, that'south because it totally was. In the early on days of the trials, spectral show was heavily used to find the witches responsible for causing fits.

Photo Courtesy: Increment Mather/Wikimedia Commons

To provide spectral evidence, all the afflicted had to do was claim to have seen an apparition of the person who had cursed them. These testimonies led to the conviction of almost of the witches jailed during the early days of the witch trials. Subsequently the initial onslaught, the utilise of spectral bear witness came under fire for its questionable reliability.

More-Than-Plausible Deniability

Critics of spectral evidence claimed that simply taking the word of a fitful victim wasn't grounds for conviction of an defendant witch. Of form, their reasoning wasn't because information technology sounded like a bunch of nonsense. The explanation they offered was far more in line with their Puritanical beliefs.

Photograph Courtesy: Joseph E. Baker/Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons

According to those confronting the validity of spectral evidence, the accounts of the afflicted could not be counted every bit sole evidence and testimony considering the devil could theoretically have any form he wished when appearing to a victim. Somewhen, spectral evidence was no longer considered damning, slowing the catamenia of bedevilled witches into jail cells.

Tea and Cake or Death

One of the more disgusting methods of determining who was a witch was through the utilise of witch cakes. These "cakes" are actually much worse than they sound, and the "proof" they provided was somehow fifty-fifty shakier than spectral evidence.

Photo Courtesy: Veganbaking.net/Flickr

For starters, they were fabricated using rye meal and urine from the accused witch'south victim. Once the batter was mixed, information technology was formed into a cake and fed to some unfortunate domestic dog. In theory, a guilty witch would scream every bit the dog ate and digested the delectable pee patty. It'south not clear how oftentimes this allegedly identified a witch, but it was a pretty common tactic.

A Strange Explanation

Because it was a witch block (or at least a theoretical i) that got the ball rolling and the ropes swinging in Salem, it might be worth noting how the cakes allegedly worked. The superstition was that witches could curse someone using "evil particles" expelled from the eyes.

Photograph Courtesy: George H. Walker & Co./Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons

These "venomous and cancerous particles" made their way into the body of the cursed, circulating in their system through the length of their affliction. Urine from the cursed contained some of these particles, which remained bound to the witch. When the dog consumed the urine biscuit, the witch in hiding cried out in hurting as the particles were destroyed.

A False Admission

Dissimilar spectral evidence, the use of witch cakes was never questioned or phased out during the trials. In the primary case of the Salem Witch Trials, Tituba "confessed" to making a witch block to help Elizabeth Parris, who had begun to show signs of what was assumed to be possession.

Photo Courtesy: John Due west. Ehninger/Wikimedia Eatables

It was later revealed that Tituba had probably not made a witch cake but had been coerced into making such a confession by Elizabeth's father. Accounts of the trial and its aftermath indicate that he probable beat her until she agreed to requite the scripted confession that convicted her.

Merciful Words

Accused witches could also evidence their innocence through the recitation of scripture. If a person had committed their soul to Satan, they couldn't smoothly utter passages from the Bible. The accused was typically asked to recite the Lord'due south Prayer, and if they faltered at any point, that was more than than enough to bear witness their guilt.

Photo Courtesy: Ryk Neethling/Flickr

Even if they managed to recite whatever passages they were given, information technology might not be enough to salve them. At least one account holds that a man who flawlessly recounted a prayer was sentenced to death anyway because information technology was "a play a joke on of the devil." That sounds like a no-win scenario.

A Easily-on Approach

Stemming from the aforementioned school of understanding every bit witch cakes, bear on tests were a favored method for finding a witch in a oversupply. The thought was that the impact of the one who had cast a curse on the afflicted could disengage it. The experience was unremarkably skilful amid the defendant.

Photo Courtesy: PeakPx

The witches were blindfolded and presented to their victims, who often started retching and seizing upon seeing them. One time the witch'south hands were placed on the body of the cursed, the fits often stopped, and the affected could claim the one touching them had acquired them harm. The touch exam alone was enough to captive someone.

Personal Probing

You've probably heard the myth that witches have extra nipples (or something to that effect). At that place'southward actually a historical — although not factual — basis for that rumor. During witch trials, it was common for the accused to be publicly stripped down to their undergarments and searched for unusual marks.

Photo Courtesy: T. H. Matteson/Wikimedia Commons

The blemishes in question were called witches' teats, and having one was undeniable testify that a person was a witch. These "teats" were actually moles or other raised bumps on the peel that were unresponsive to affect. These marks were supposedly bear witness of the devil marking his charges following their initiation rites.

Aught Says "Guilty" Like Home Invasion

Of grade, if you were accused of being a witch, you lot gave up whatsoever and all rights to privacy. In addition to shamelessly probing your torso for bumps or throwing you in a pond to see if you would float, authorities ordinarily searched the homes of those accused of witchcraft.

Photo Courtesy: Howard Pyle/Wikimedia Eatables

Damning items such as spell books, pots of ointment and suspicious-looking figurines were guaranteed to earn the accused a trip to jail and maybe the gallows if they were plant in their home. It was unlikely anyone bothered to enquire how they got there.

Not the Devil's Work

Would yous exist shocked to learn the hysteria that led to the Salem Witch Trials wasn't actually the work of the devil? Of course not, but the actual cause isn't exactly mutual cognition, and so get your trivia deck ready because this is a tidbit you'll definitely want to add.

Photo Courtesy: Gustave Doré/Wikimedia Eatables

While the religious zealotry of the Salem communities and their relative isolation from the remainder of the (sane) world undoubtedly played a huge part in the inception and perpetuation of the witch trials, they weren't the sole causes. The true cause of colonial New England's mass hysteria wasn't discovered for some other 300 years.

Rye, Oh Rye

Equally indicated past the contents of witch cakes, rye was a fairly common cereal grain at the time. It made hearty bread and more often than not stored well. Tainted rye, however, is seriously bad news. A blight called ergot is considered to be largely responsible for the hysteria that led to the Salem Witch Trials, and it came in the form of poisoned breadstuff.

Photo Courtesy: Visit Lakeland/Flickr

Ergot is a blight caused by the growth of fungus on rye grains. The affliction, ergotism, is frequently violent and sometimes deadly. Well-nigh commonly, it manifests every bit convulsions, hallucinations and psychosis. Sound familiar? If information technology doesn't take the psychoactive route, ergotism could cause gangrenous lesions and decease.

Science Prevails (Eventually)

The modernistic (and scientifically viable) caption for the hysteria leading to the Salem Witch Trials is all cheers to Dr. Linnda Caporael of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She posited that many of the strange symptoms exhibited by the "victims" during the witch trials were really the result of a natural toxicant.

Photograph Courtesy: Net Archive Volume Images/Flickr

How did an entire region stop upward getting poisoned past the same thing? That's easy: They all shared a dietary staple. Rye was a common crop at the fourth dimension, and they all used it to make bread. Dr. Caporael examined the symptoms and the determinative climate of rye ergot and constitute that the pieces fit together surprisingly well.

One Bad Trip

Dr. Caporael realized that cases of rye ergot spiked following harsh winters and wet springs, two seasonal weather condition that existed prior to the rye crop harvested for consumption in 1692. The fungus that grew as a outcome of the ergot contained lysergic acid and ergotamine, which are toxic to humans.

Photo Courtesy: Walter McEwen/Wikimedia Eatables

With the limited medical and scientific knowledge of the 17th century, the unusual looking rye grains were probable passed off as a consequence of too much sun and consumed anyhow. The tainted rye containing the forerunner to LSD made its manner into breadstuff across Salem, leading to a twelvemonth-long and area-wide acid trip that ultimately went down in history.

Of the Same Ilk

Mentions of witches can be found in historical records dating back to biblical times, and their persecution followed shortly after their appearance. "Witch" has become a catch-all term to indicate a person, usually a woman, whose seemingly mystical personal acquit doesn't mesh with the Bible.

Photo Courtesy: John Downman/Wikimedia Commons

Witch trials swept much of Europe commencement in the mid-15th century and running through the 17th century. As trials died downward in Europe, they started in the colonies. Dissimilar Salem, the witch hunts in Europe are believed to accept been the upshot of economic hardship and famine. When weather condition got tough, witches and blackness magic became convenient scapegoats.

Little Ice Age

Effectually the fourth dimension witch hunts start began to crop up in Europe, the weather condition took a strange downturn. Temperatures plummeted, and seasons were cold and wet. Every bit a issue, the 1500s were marked by failed crops, famine and plagues of caterpillars and vermin that ballooned in numbers as their food supplies failed and discarded crops spiked.

Photo Courtesy: Abraham Hondius/Museum of London/Wikimedia Commons

The economic downturn and hunger that ensued left people frustrated, hungry and perhaps more than a little delirious at times. Pair those symptoms with the Christian zealotry that was ubiquitous at the time, and you have the perfect convenance grounds for finger-pointing and the impassioned persecution of anything strange.

Saw It in a Moving picture

Despite the horrors of the witch hunts that were enacted beyond Europe and its colonies, they accept been a source of fascination and entertainment in pop culture for years. Monty Python and the Holy Grail offers one of the most recognizable examples, featuring a scene where an manifestly simulated witch is put on trial.

Photo Courtesy: Michael White Productions/IMDB

Even in children's media, movies like The Hunchback of Notre Dame shows Esmeralda being burned at the stake for allegedly practicing witchcraft, although all she really did was oppose the church. It'due south a wonderful example of the bodily reasons that were often behind the roundups and executions of so-called witches during much of history.

It'south Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

One moving-picture show that's gained a huge cult following since its release in 1993 is Hocus Pocus. A Halloween archetype, the motion picture takes identify in Salem, Massachusetts, and follows the misadventures of three resurrected witches. Although the film contains few factual elements related to the actual trials, it'southward ane of the more than popular movies that mentions them.

Photo Courtesy: SalemPuritan/Wikimedia Commons

Although the pic is a comedy — a slightly dark one — it does present viewers with the modern interpretation of the witch trials. Today, the trials are "a affair that happened a long time ago" to most people. Information technology's a menstruum of history that's not heavily discussed, although perhaps it should exist.

The Truth Is There

Despite the modern lighthearted approach to the witch trials and the humorous tones in which they are often conveyed, information technology's important to understand the truth of what collection the real witch hunts of the early modern era, and that includes the social bug that fanned the flames of a health crunch and made it worse.

Photo Courtesy: Raphael Constrict and Sons/Missouri History Museum/Wikimedia Commons

Famine and widespread crop blights are likely a matter of the past, but fanaticism notwithstanding persists today in many forms. It seems unlikely that the widespread persecution of a group solely as a scapegoat could happen today, merely viewing events through the lens of history could salve humanity from the curse of repeating the by.


Source: https://www.reference.com/history/truths-behind-salem-witch-trials?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740005%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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