• This topic has 12 replies, half dozen voices, and was last updated fifteen years, 10 months ago by fritzie.

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  • #985748

    Does anyone know how to make a uncomplicated line cartoon using Paint Shop Pro from a photo?
    This is something Dianna did for the workshops but using another software program, Photo Store I think…. and would love to be able to exercise this using Paint Shop Pro ……… Would exist a useful tool, in simplyfying a subject matter…

    Thank you for whatever help ……

    And so far accept been able to get the image to a faint outline, simply as well much detail and not dark enough by going to 'effects' and 'Edge Effects', 'Find Contours'


    Hi Dawn

    I have been experimenting besides and the best I take got and so far is by Furnishings -Edge Furnishings – Find All. Then I have just looked at information technology and taken out whatsoever bits I did not want. I remember Dianna said that after finding edges she would conform to give better limerick etc.

    Equally for making the lines darker maybe increase contrast or something.

    I shall sentry this thread with involvement to find out if anyone has different methods.


    Is this how y'all all managed to have such similar compositions, Dawn? They're and then exactly fatigued–very overnice. That's half the battle, isn't information technology?

    I've done line drawing effects in Photoshop, only not PSP… Why not bank check over in the Digital Art froum? I bet they'll have some info for you.


    Hi Ruth ……. I tried to do the contrast etc, but the background colour increased too :P .. and turned a nasty grayness lol … will let yous know if I detect out anything….

    Hi Dee, yes, Dianna was very organised and had prepared these drawings as overlays for us to work from …….. lol, can you imagine the amount of fourth dimension that would of been wasted whilst she waited for us to become our basic drawings washed, we'd probably still be there now, drawing – rubbing out, drawing, rubbing out :lol:

    … ohhh of course, the digital forum, thank you Dee…… had completely forgotten about that forum lol :o ….. was sitting here thinking perhaps the estimator forum might be able to help …

    I recollect this could be a neat tool to aid seeing things more simplistically – I establish myself getting bogged downwards with item and the same in painting.. and so quite refreshing……… and a great learning curve

    Thank you Dee….. :wave: …. got the answers from the Digi Forum ….. :clap: :thumbsup:

    Sick write down my results Ruth and allow yous know…….. too late now, every bit gone midnight


    How-do-you-do Dawn, I constitute a psp viii tutorial on making a simple outline cartoon. With this method you lot tin choose which lines you want. Check it out and meet if information technology what you were looking for. Permit me encounter if I can add together the link.


    yeah, the link worked.


    Ohhhhhhhh Kathy, that looks bang-up…… going off for a closer inspection…… Ive sort of worked something out from what was posted in the Digi Forum, but trying to translate information technology over into PSP….. then far seems really hit and miss depending on the paradigm you are using………

    so thank you very much for this


    Thanks Kathy……. checked that link out, its a bit indepth and long winded to what nosotros are later…… take managed to get a quick line cartoon in PSP, but its no exact science, and perhaps non good enough for what nosotros want, specially in comparison to what Dianna was able to achieve


    Dawn, I volition have a await into this when we are dorsum home. You can always put your moving-picture show in greyscale, overstate to the size yous want information technology and print information technology in several goes. At least that is what I did and it works beautifully. Thank you


    Dawn, I will have a expect into this when we are back dwelling. You can always put your picture in greyscale, enlarge to the size y'all want information technology and print it in several goes. At least that is what I did and it works beautifully. Cheers

    I tried the PSP line drawing method from the link abouve with the pen and tracing round the outline and I got a articulate motion-picture show only information technology was a bit time consuming for a one off, simply might be cracking if yous wanted enough for a workshop.

    I tried the instructions from the digi forum but keep getting lost half way through.

    And so for now I am desaturating (to Black and white) – edge result – Find All. And so going to Adjust – Add together/remove noise -Border preserving smooth (which gets rid of some of the yuck)

    Then plow up contrast if demand be.


    There seems to be so many combinations…….. this is what I came upwardly with

    Decrease Color to 2bit or Greyscale
    Gausican Blur
    Find All Edges/Trace Contours
    Enhance More

    but if you lot were to do some other sequence you may or may not go a better image…… and so frustrating that no one set method


    Hi all….given the relative cheapness of press out a motion-picture show….and given that Dianna's method of transferring the drawing is so simple using pastel dust…would it non be possible just to print an extra copy of the ref and trace the bits y'all want to transfer directly from that without messing about getting the line drawing?:evil:

    [FONT="Tahoma"] Regards, Deirdre (Always pleased to get C&Cs!) Don't forget - annotate on other threads in the forum as well equally posting your own work - also, we encourage you to postal service WIPs, they help others to larn as well equally you.
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